Up Updated 27 Mar 2005

1846 Game Information

I am publishing Tom Lehmann's 1846, an 18xx game set in the midwestern United States. The unusual features of this game include scaling the number of companies, privates, trains, and bank size based on the number of players and a linear stock market.


These are protected by copyright and are made available for download for personal use only. All other rights are reserved.



Pricing varies depending on the exact options chosen -- please create an account at the link below and configure a game to see the exact price. You are under no obligation until you submit your order, and even then you can cancel at any time before I receive payment.


I will accept payment in US funds via PayPal or a check/money order. Payment is not required until the product is ready to ship, but I will wait for checks to clear before shipping.


Go here to place your order.